Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Women in Games 2010 Conference Canceled

Bad news for "Women in Games"

If you hit up you will see their latest posting: "We are very sorry to announce that this year’s Women in Games Conference has been cancelled due to low delegate numbers."( and yes they spelled "canceled" wrong. But who am I to judge?)

Every one knows the Art and Business of making games is a predominately male dominated genre. Like most businesses to be honest. "Women in Games" is an organization for womyn by womyn (w/ male supporters of course) who seek to not only challenge but also change the low representation of females in the industry. They achieve this my encouraging and supporting young grrrls and womyn with mentors, classes, events, projects, research, and so on and so forth.

I myself have attended an amazing panel discussion sponsored by the LA chapter of Women In Games. They had female panelist who worked across the field from publishing, to production, distribution. It was highly accessible, informative, and just plain amazing. Afterward we all went to a bar, and had the oportunity to speak one on one with the panelist, and fellow attendees. Having such a great experience, it pains me to hear that they needed to cancel this event.

Their website encourages questions comments or concerns about the cancellation. I plan on writing in and expressing my disappointment. I encourage you to do the same.
You can send e-mails to
OR you can log on to their website and submit a questionnaire anomalously.

And for those who aren't familiar with "Women in Games", check out their mission statement, Aims and objectives:

Mission Statement

Highlight academic and industrial perspectives on groundbreaking work in computer games research, games development and games education. Focus attention on issues of special interest to women in the games industry and through this seek to address the games industry's gender imbalance and develop a fuller understanding of games and game playing.


1. Give a voice to women and men in the games industry and in games education with interests in supporting
and encouraging the role of women in the games industry.
2. Support and disseminate research into games, games culture, games education, games industry, games
technologies, and other game related areas, especially (but not exclusively) with reference to the
experience of women playing, developing and responding to games and game culture.
3. Provide networking opportunities for women and men working in the games industry and researching game
related areas.


1. Hold regular Women in Games conferences and events.
2. Support events and conferences that promote the Women in Games aims.
3. Provide information and relevant links on the Women in Games website.
4. Provide online opportunities (forum/blog) for Women in Games related discussions and dissemination of
5. Support individuals and projects that further the Women in Games aims.


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, I rofl'd at "Cancled" :)))) Good article!