Sunday, February 28, 2010
Ex-Idol Contestant Reality Show?!
The three ex-Idol contestants are Kristin McNamara, Nick Mitchell & Tatiana Del Toro. I never thought McNamara should have lost her shot at the top 12 in the first place and Mitchell always made me laugh. Tatiana was always good for getting me infuriated...that's something, right? Yeah. I'm so there. What can I say, I'm easily amused.
Watch the teaser trailer below.
See full post
Crap. Could Avatar Win After All?
In reading Entertainment Weekly's anonymous interviews with academy members, I got...concerned. The majority picked Cameron &Avatar over Bigelow & Hurt Locker or Basterds? Really? Then looking at their top ten lists brought up a whole bunch of other anxieties. I realized that this year, not only are there 10 films, but there is a new scoring system. So even if Hurt Locker or Basterds get the most #1 votes, I think Avatar stands a better shot at being nominated in one of the top three slots over those two, which would clinch it winning Best Picture. Sure, there is no precedent for this (winning BP in a modern day race w/ no acting or writing nominations), but with a brand new scoring system, everything we thought we knew might be out the window.
I think at the end of the day, I will be happy with whatever wins best picture. Sure, the second time I saw Avatar, the magic died a little (couldn't avoid paying attention to the horrible, horrible dialogue and the dumb cliche after dumb cliche) but I did absolutely adore it the first time I saw it and I'm trying to remember that. It was a wonderful experience. But as of right now, I really don't know what I will select as my prediction come Oscar night.
Really, as long as Kathryn Bigelow wins, I won't be upset. Just...just please don't fuck that up, Academy. See full post
Friday, February 26, 2010
Nathaniel R On Inglorious Basterds
I was specifically struck by Nathaniel R's take on why Inglorious Basterds is so beloved, despite its obvious flaws. I personally adore Basterds, but many of my friends do not, and I often find myself in situations where I find it difficult to explain why the movie had such an impact on me & why I think it has a good chance to upset on Oscar night. Check out Nathaniel R's theory below.
Basterds is a weird beast for me. I totally understand why its critics think it's sadistic, immature and inconsistent and all the other typically cited Tarantino troubles but I still love it. Here's my theory on why the vast majority of fans can ignore those flaws (which are there, no question). I think our attachments to movies have become incredibly splintered. We primarily watch movies on DVD with chapter menus. We have seemingly infinite access to individual clips and we see endless repeats of the best moments on televisions, awards shows and youtube. People fixate on minutae more than they ever have (blame blogging?) and movies are so interactive now, too: fan fiction, trailers, homages, art projects even (Remember that huge swath of Where the Wild Things Are inspired art this year?See full post
I think Tarantino's strengths as a filmmaker are perfectly suited to this compartmentalized way we have of loving art. I hated Chapter Two of Inglourious Basterds and yet when I'm thinking of the movie, I invariably ignore it and I'm giggling about the game in the cellar bar or marvelling at how many ways Tarantino works comedy and suspense into the very nature of language. I think he's an absolute master of The Moment as it were. Movies are less novelistic than they used to be. Now, they're just strings of sentences and Tarantino can work an exclamation point, a parenthetical and a memorable turn of phrase better than just about anyone.
Am I making any sense?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
How Traditionally Trained Are This Year's Oscar Nominees?

For our second year in a row, All Things Fangirl researches the education and training of this years acting nominees. While 2009's line up was pretty straight-forward, this years' is quite the mixed bag.
Jeff Bridges
No formal training. Took a few acting classes in New York after high school, but always found his best training at home in his father & older bother Beau. Didn't take long - was nominated for an Oscar at age 21.
George Clooney (Previous winner - supporting)
No formal training. Attended Northern Kentucky University, then the University of Cincinnati, double majoring in History & Political Science, but did not graduate. Took classes at the Beverly Hills Playhouse.
Colin Firth
Formal training alert! Studied at the Drama Centre London under Yat Malmgren.
Jeremy Renner
Began acting at Modesto Junior College. Before two years had passed, had moved to LA to pursue acting professionally. Was pursuing computer science major & criminology before taking acting as an elective and falling in love.
Morgan Freeman (Previous winner - supporting)
No formal training. Starred in school plays & competed in drama competitions in his youth. Was forced to complete in drama competition as a punishment in junior high - surprised everyone by loving the stage & winning it all. Could have studied drama on scholarship at the Jackson State University, but instead enlisted in the Air Force where he worked as a mechanic. Attended LACC and took acting classes in Hollywood & The Pasadena Playhouse in the early 60s.
Performance by Actress in a Leading Role
Meryl Streep (Previous winner- supporting & lead)
Uber formal training. She received her B.A. in Drama at Vassar College in 1971 but also enrolled as a transfer student at Dartmouth College for a semester before that school had become coeducational. She later earned an M.F.A. from Yale School of Drama.
Sandra Bullock
Participated in high school productions in her youth. Dropped out of East Carolina University 3 credits shy of degree in drama, to move to New York and pursue an acting career. There, she studied at the Neighborhood Playhouse. Years later, she received an honorary degree from ECU.
Helen Mirren (Previous winner - lead)
Acted in high school productions, then attended the New College of Speech & Drama in London, learning how to teach drama. Was accepted into the National Youth Theater at age 18 and soon after became a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
Gabourey Sidibe
Has no formal training. Attended the Borough of Manhattan Community College, The City College of New York, and Mercy College. Dropped out before graduating. Had performed in plays throughout her youth (both at her schools and at Lehman college), but was majoring in psychology & had no plans of pursuing a professional acting career.
Carey Mulligan
Has no formal training. Performed in many theater productions, both in school & upon graduating. Auditioned for three drama schools and got into none.
Performance by Actor in a Supporting Role
Christoph Waltz
Spent his college-aged years acting on stage & traveling around the world to gain life experience so as to be the best actor he could be. Ending up in New York at 23 and subsequently studied with Lee Stasberg & Stella Adler themselves at the Lee Strasberg Thatere & Film Institute. Followed that up with studying singing and opera at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna.
Stanley Tucci
Acted frequently in high school. Received a BFA from the Conservatory of Theatre Arts & Film at SUNY Purchase.
Matt Damon (Previous winner - Original Screenplay)
Dropped out of Harvard to pursue acting. Took classes at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute
Christopher Plummer (Canadian alert! Happy Olympics!)
Performed in high school and got experience performing on the road with the Canadian Repertory Theater. Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Western Ontario.
Woody Harrelson
BA in Theater arts & English from Hanover College.
Performance by Actress in a Supporting Role
Attended Morgan State University. Got her start in comedy performing at the Baltimore Comedy Factory Outlet.
Vera Farmiga
Studied drama at Syracuse University's School of Visual and Performing Arts. Appeared on Broadway for the first time at age 23.
Anna Kendrick
All experience garnered from acting since she was age 10. No formal training.
Maggie Gyllenhaal
BA in Literature & Eastern Religions from Columbia University. Received drama training from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London.
Penélope Cruz (Previous winner - Supporting)
Did not complete high school, but went on to receive four years of Theatre training from Cristina Rota's school in New York. In addition, studied classical ballet for nine years at Spain's National Conservatory and afterwards, continued training under a series of prominent dancers.
For those concerned with education -
Drama Degrees: Firth, Streep, Tucci, Harrelson, Farmiga - 5

College Drop-Outs: Bullock, Damon, Clooney, Renner, Sidibe- 5 (editors note: just found out Sidibe did not in fact graduate with a degree. Was unclear online.)

Non-Drama Degrees: Gyllenhaal, Mirren, Mo'Nique (?) - 3

Did Not Attend Traditional College: Bridges, Mulligan (not for lack of trying), Waltz (see below), Plummer, Kendrick, Freeman (Air Force)- 6

High School Drop Out: Cruz - 1

For those concerned with acting training -
(Of the 15 nominees who did not study Drama in college)
Took Acting Classes (non-formal training) : Clooney, Freeman, Bullock, Damon, Renner - 5
Attended An Acting Conservatory (formal training): Waltz, Gyllenhaal, Cruz - 3
Formal Theater Training with a Company, as opposed to School : Plummer, Mirren - 2
Had no formal training...or non-formal training: Sidibe, Bridges, Mo'Nique, Mulligan, Kendrick - 5
Unlike last year's clear win for the theater BA/MFAs, this year is a bit more tricky. Over all, having some sort of training background heavily outweighs having no training at all (14-6), but if we're going purely by numbers, those who opted to take life experience/acting conservatories/random classes OVER getting a degree barely edge out the drama majors (6-5). There are ultimately many different assumptions one can make with these numbers. The moral of the story is: researching the education of nominated actors is fun, Christoph Waltz is a god and Carey Mulligan might be the prettiest girl in all the land. See full post
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
American Idol Season 9 Top 24

Tuesday Night - Top 12 Girls - Live Tweeting
Just started watching Idol - Paige did that having to pee?! I can't do anything when I have to pee, let alone sing in front of millions.
Janell. WRONG SONG. What's wrong with you?! I lurved you!! Damnit. You are folky, NOT Heart. Poop.
We've decided Lilly Scott is going for "cool" and succeeding
LOVE Katelyn Epperly!!! Singing Oh Darling! and ROCKING that shit. Whatever, that was awesome.
Haeley Vaughn doing some very interesting things. I like her! New take on I Wanna Hold Your Hand too. Across The Universe meets...wacky?
Simon, you're wrong about Haeley. Wrong wrong wrong.
Re: Lacey Brown, from @thedanifesto - (with a british accent) "A young Sharon Obsourne."
Boring performance. Sorry, Lacey Brown.
Bye bye Michelle.
I love Didi Benami love love love love Didi love love love.
If Didi Benami sang anything else they would have been like "You chose too big of a song." HELLO she picked the right song and sounded great.
Siobhan is doing a great job so far at least. It's hard to sing this song and she's nailing it! Don't know about "star quality" though.
Bow-er-sox! Bow-er-sox! Love her.
Bowersox is so 90s and I love it
Bye: Lacey, Michelle and possibly Ashley or Janell even though I like them both
Wednesday Night - Top 12 Boys - Live Tweeting
Todrick Hall with a new take on Since You Been Gone....I'm into it. Certainly original and the kid can sing!
Is it IMPOSSIBLE to please the judges?! They annoy me a lot sometimes.
Personally, I think Todrick did something very cool just now, coming out of the gate with something very original right off the bat
Aaron Kelly = David Archeleta 2.0
Schmaltzy, old timer song = Muse zzzzzzes out. Sing something younger, Aaron Kelly!
Hmm. Liking his pipes though. Good pipes. He and Katy from last night could just join Glee and be done with it.
Hey Simon & Aaron - "Angels" is a Robbie Williams song. Aaron sang "Angel" by Sarah McLaghlin during Hollywood Week.
Jermaine Sellers. Boring. Let's see if this gets better.
Screechy Tattooed off pitch McGee. Not into Jermaine Sellers. Great name though.
Tim Urban is this season's hottie mc-cuterstein. Look at Janell all flirting up a storm with him.
Tim Urban rocking the stage with a wholly awkward performance. Falsetto was a bad choice.
Joe Munoz with an odd take on You and I Both. Not sure how I feel about this. Can certainly out-sing the more commercial Tim Urban.
Ooh! Liking the Tyler Grady so far. He's weird.
High note not so hot, Grady.
I agree with Simon. Tyler's too Poser-y right now. A little creepy. Change it up, dude.
He handled the criticism nicely. Probably will stick around til next week.
Lee has that "Hot tooly douchebag" thing going for him. Or against him. Haven't decided yet. Chasing Cars a little on the nose. Went off key a lot. Yikes.
John Park's performance is confusing me. For a second I thought he was singing in another language. Damn. He's better than this!
Second half of John Park's performance = MUCH better than the first
Guitar is totally superfluous, but I'm liking Michael Lynche's voice & energy. No clear identity as an artist yet, though.
What the...what??! Alex Lambert (who looks like Spinelli from General Hospital) is sooooo going home.
Favorite "tone"? The only "tone" I heard was "kill me now."
Kara is shameless, this is amazing.
Andrew Garcia, love your voice, do better with your song choice next week.
My favorites:
Girls: Lilly, Siobhan, Katelyn, Bow-er-sox (for the potential)
Boys: Casey, Andrew, Todrick (for the potential)
My least favorites:
Girls: Lacey, Michelle, Ashley & Janell. Predicting Lacey, Michelle & either Ashley or Paige to go home tomorrow. The judge's praise of Janell will most likely keep her safe for now.
Boys: Some combination of Jermaine, Alex, Joe, Tyler & Tim, though I could see Alex & Tim getting by on cute factor alone, leaving Jermaine, Joe & possibly John as the unlucky 3 to go home. My personal bottom three? Alex, Tim & Jermaine.
Watch the girls
Watch the boys
Update: We said goodbye to Janell, Ashley, Joe & Tyler. Should have been/going home next week? Michelle, Lacey, Alex & Tim. Unless someone does something amazing.
See full post
Let American Idol BEGIN

Hey readers!
Some of you may remember my Idol series from last year. Some of you (erm...most of you) may not, but you can catch up on all the action here - Muse on Idol: 2009 Edition (just scroll down!)
I "live" tweeted (20 minute delay) the girls last night and will be on time tonight, with the boys. Every Thursday for the next three weeks, I'll compile my tweets into a blog post, along with my predictions.
As we get further into the season, I'll switch to my normal format of recommending/predicting song choices on Tuesdays and critiquing/predicting whose going home on Wednesdays.
Follow my live tweeting at 8pm PST tonight at
Looking forward to this season! See full post
Lost's 108th Episode Brings: MOAR NUMBERS!

Just a quick post to inform you of some of the other numbers/names that appeared on last night's lighthouse dial, courtesy of my boyfriend's brother/Lost aficionado, Ryan.
20: Rousseau
51: Austen
58: Burke (Juliette)
101: Faraday
104: Lewis (Charlotte)
108: Wallace ???
109: Friendly (Tom)
117: Linus
124: Dawson (Michael)
Random fun names courtesy of E! Online
119: Almeida. Homage to 24's Michelle Almeida, aka Reiko Aylesworth aka Ethan's mom, Amy Goodspeed?
120: Rodriguez (Ana Lucia's RL portrayer Michelle)
All were crossed out but #51.
I've said before I think Kate is on the list, but not a "candidate" because while she may not be a potential protector of the island herself, she is crucial to two of the other candidates - #23 & #15 and may be key in making sure they ultimately end up where they are supposed to be. Last night we discovered that she isn't crossed out, where as other non-candidates non-dead candidates aka #117, Ben Linus, are. Other theories include 51's relationship to 15 - Is Kate somehow Sawyer in reserve? Or is she a candidate, but because she is not one of the main numbers (4 8 15 16 23 42), she will ultimately not be in the running to take over?
Some other tidbits you might be interested in:
- The piece David was playing on the piano is the same piece of music Faraday was seen playing in last season's "The Variable." He too was a young musical prodigy, but unlike David, Faraday was pressured by his parent into leaving his passion behind. (Thanks Doc Jensen)
- Smokey's names/numbers appeared on the wall of a dark, hidden cave, located underneath the mainland of the island that can only be reached via dangerous ladder. Jacob's matching (as far as we know) names/numbers can be found in a lighthouse, high above the mainland. I'm getting visions of a banned Smokey forced to set up camp in a cave, far away from the Temple & the temple's passage to the lighthouse, where he's been keeping his own track of the candidates.
- If Jacob is so manipulative, which he is, why did he not manipulate Ben into not killing him? As my brother pointed out last night, Jacob didn't even try to stop Ben. His final words were "What ABOUT you?" These are not the words of someone trying to save his own life. What was Jacob's purpose? Did he mean to die?
- For the record, my first instinct regarding who is coming to the island? Widmore. I've heard Aaron suggested by others.
-Does Claire see Locke, Christian or Titus Welliver when she looks at Smokey? Clearly they've been "friends" for a while - well before Smokey got trapped in Locke's body.
- The popular theory regarding David's mother seems to be Juliet. Makes sense. Looking forward to finding out if it's really her. Some are suggesting the mother is Eloise and David is somehow Daniel, but that makes my brain hurt.
-Anyone else notice that Jack's mom keeps some of Widmore's McCutcheon Whiskey around the house?
More screencaps of the dial, courtesy of Brian at My after the jump. Please post your thoughts in the comments section! I loves me some Lost discussion.

See full post
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Thank you Jewel Staite & Party Mania [Video of the Moment]
I see this:

So I go here:

Where I see this:

Followed by this:

Which leads me to this:

And that's only the tip of the iceberg, folks.
The magic happens around the 1:15 mark
Monday, February 22, 2010
Celebrity Crushes of the Week [Just Because]

Jonathan Jackson - Lucky on General Hospital

Casey James - American Idol Top 24

Evan Lysacek - Gold Medalist Figure Skater

John Locke - In three very special flavors (highlight to see invisatext)- Original, Flocke and Sideways
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Oscar Bingo

If you're not planning on playing Oscar Bingo on March 7th, you should be. Jessica Jones, the lovely lady behind How About Orange, has made Oscar Bingo Cards for the second year in a row. My favorite squares are the ones that reference the disparities between The Hurt Locker's and Avatar's budgets and "Steve Martin's banjo playing is referenced."
The only thing I wish she'd added to the design are little bingo chips with the Oscar head on them. Maybe I will have to dust off the ole photoshop skills... See full post
Friday, February 19, 2010
Don't Fast Forward Through These Commercials
Snowboarding in Space
Cat Drops Acid
Oh oh, and this one, which I saw for the first time on A Deliberate Pace and have been obsessed with ever since.
The Man See full post
Weeds' Allie Grant Cast Should Be Cast in Marvel's Runaways?! [Rumor Mill]
Huhwhatnow? Is this some giant misunderstanding? What's happening?
This month, I went to go see The Production Company's top notch production of How I Learned to Drive, at the Chandler Theater, which features the first stage performance from 15 year old Weeds' actress Allie Grant. She was fantastic, as was the rest of the cast (proving once again that The Production Company may not be capable of doing any wrong) but I came away from the evening with much more than a wonderful theater-going experience. I guess avid comic readers & fans of anything Brian K. Vaughan touches, don't regularly attend the theater in Los Angeles, but I couldn't help but audibly gasp when I saw this bit of information in the program.

Of course IMMEDIATELY upon arriving home I googled the crap out of this, checked imdb, checked imdb pro, ripped my hair out a little and ultimately came to this conclusion - the girl is smart as hell. She wouldn't put this in her bio in the program of her first ever stage production if it wasn't confirmed. She means business. (I considered that she meant the other Runaways movie, the band one, which Michael Shannon is in, but that's not produced by Marvel and I can't for the life of me find her name listed anywhere as a cast member for that film. So I'm assuming that throwing Shannon's name in there was someone's weird mistake when they went on imdb to edit Grant's bio. Right? Anyone have any idea?) Additionally, she happens to be perfect for Gert. Here's why:
Gertrude, often called "Gert" for short, is often regarded as the most "book-smart" of the Runaways yet also the most sarcastic and cynical.[2] She has socialist leanings and although ethnically Jewish, Gert is agnostic. Gert is bespectacled and somewhat overweight,[3] contrary to the typical notion of superheroines appearing physically fit and conventionally beautiful, making Gert unique among the heroines of the Marvel universe. Gert is known for her sarcastic one-liners, a pair of glasses, and brown dyed purple hair.[2] She stands at a rough height of 5'1" and weighs 125 lb (57 kg).[4]
It works. And gives me hope for the film. My worst fear is that Marvel will cast a bunch of actors in their early 20s, so the fact that apparently a 15 year old has been cast as a 15 year old makes me VERY happy.
So unless Allie Grant is secretly in Runaways, the band movie, and Runaways, the band movie, is secretly produced by Marvel or someone made one too many errors in her bio, I think this is some supremely cool news. If anyone can speak to the legitimacy here, please let me know!
See full post
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Topless Robot Holds A Contest - I Giggle For 10 Minutes Straight

Topless Robot makes me giggle like a gaggle of 3rd graders. Giggle gaggle!
Rob held a contest recently about...well I think about geeky fake headlines, is the impression I got. (editor's note: it was for Wishful TR Headlines) And I couldn't stop laughing, COULD NOT STOP. I thought I'd post some of my favorites below, for your enjoyment. Be sure to head on over to Topless Robot to read all 30 honorable mentions plus the winners!
Kev Weldon said:
Spielberg, Jackson, Abrams and Del Toro To Remake Prequel Trilogy While George Lucas Trapped In Giant Maze.
TheRam said:
NASA says "Fuck It", spends entire budget to build Serenity.
Baltin said:
Christopher Walken, Steve Buscemi, Ben Kingsey, Christopher Lee, and Michael Jonn Berryman are signed up for "The Peculiar Set". A dark comedy about how a bunch of sinister looking guys clean up crime-ridden town by simply walking down the street and saying hello to everyone.
Quixotico said:
Cyberdyne Systems Skips Murderous T-Series, Begins Production Of Sexy Cameron-Series
LeeboZeebo said:
"Joss Whedon hosts contest allowing one fanboy to blow him. Rob Bricken [Topless Robot Editor] enters eight million times."
A. Biro said:
"Hi-C to reissue Ecto-Cooler, millions take to the streets to celebrate"
Mech5 said:
"Japan's Holds Press Conference Announcing "Weirdness" as Its Chief Export"
Orangutan said:
"Neil Gaiman's 'Sandman' series set to debut on HBO. Gaiman to have final approval on every script and casting choice. Will air in timeslot immediately following Game of Thrones."
And just for fun, check this out from Topless Robot too. Love that Rob. See full post
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
What I Do When I Watch American Idol
Well, during this cringe-worthy display, I was thinking two things.
1. Please make this stop
2. Jessica Furney = Quinn from Zoey 101 + (Tracey Ullman x Kellie Martin)

Monday, February 15, 2010

The game is hilarious, addictive, and a total blast. So when your eyes are burning from staring at screens all day, and you just can't face Mass Effect 2 or Bioshock 2, play Munchkin! See full post
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Geeks With Heart!
Today, while you're in the lovin' mood, why not share your big geek heart with others.
Geek Girls Network™ & Geeky Clean have created a fundraiser to support the Haiti Relief called Geeks With Heart.
Through Mercy Corp, Geeks With Heart has a fundraising goal of $2500 and there’s no minimum for donations. If you can spare just one special cup of coffee, an iTunes download, or a crispy chicken sandwich, donate to Haiti instead. Show Haiti why geeks have heart!
As extra incentive, and not that you need any, once Geeks With Heart reaches $2500, all who donated will have the chance to win a prize from an amazing grab bag of geek prizes!
So donate, tweet it up, put a badge on your website, and tell all your friends and family. Thanks!
Geeks With Heart:
Geeks With Heart Haiti Relief Fund from Galaxy Sailor on Vimeo.
See full postFriday, February 12, 2010
How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love The Big Daddy

Okay. So. I have a lot of time on my hands right now and thusly have decided to watch a bunch of movies I've never seen, read a bunch of books I've never read, and as you can probably tell from the title of this post, play a bunch of video games I've never played.
My first mission? Bioshock.
Bioshock was one of those games I was always interested in, but was also always WAY too freaked out by to actually sit down and play. I have a thing about scary video games. I don't like them. I don't like people playing them around me. They make me sad. But I've heard such good things about this game for so damn long, I decided to say fuck it, Bioshock 2 comes out this week, so I'm just gonna stop being a pussy & not only play Bioshock, but beat it in two days. Well, I originally planned on beating it in two days, but quickly discovered the game was just too cool to force into only forty-eight hours. So I took my time...and beat it in four days instead. ;)
I mean...this game. THIS GAME. No wonder you have all been raving about it for years! It's genius. GENIUS I SAY. Obviously I saved all the little sisters and got the happy ending and obviously it made me cry because, well if you've seen the ending, you know why, and obviously I'm beating Bioshock 2 next week.
It got me thinking - would this make a better movie or TV show or can it really only work in video game form? Rapture is such a fascinating world with such dark secrets, that I feel like it's worth exploring more than what a two hour movie would allow. But then with only one main character, would a TV show even really make sense? With no romance or human interaction for 4 seasons? Just mystery discovered, mystery revealed after mystery discovered mystery revealed? That sounds kinda dumb. But I want more of this story, I want more of this world. I want to know what Jack looks like, I want to see actors play the scene between Jack & Andrew Ryan, I want to see Jack's reactions when he learns the truth, I WANT.
(CORRECTION: Maybe I don't wanna see that scene between Andrew Ryan and Jack after all....see comments...)
I know it's in development right now, with Gore Verbinski no longer directing, but rather producing. But man, if this is made into a movie, it has to be done just right. It should make us feel what the video game makes us feel, not be some dumb adaptation that doesn't do such genius any justice. It makes me nervous! Thoughts?
Have you played Bioshock? Were you as obsessed as I am? Were you good or evil? Did you kill Cohen and take a picture of his body & get the Irony Achievement or did you not kill him and open the secret room in his apartment and get the Found Cohen's Room Achievement? Or did you know about these achievements before you played the game and were sneaky & got both? If so, DAMN YOU.
Okay. This post about nothing is over now. I just loved this game and needed to document my love for it is all. :). See full post
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Further Proof That The British Do Everything Better
Found on Low Industrial, who writes
This British seatbelt PSA is gradually hokey and then suddenly powerful. It reminds me of this Acura safety commercial from a year or two ago. Beautiful work, both.
Totally agree. This shit just made me cry. Damn you, Brits! See full post
Friday, February 5, 2010
All Things Fangirl Writer Brokah Her Fingah [Video of the Moment]
All Things Fangirl writer, NYU alum, and all around great gal TooAdorkable is the star of this video, asserting herself as a force to be reckoned with at the age of two. The video features her trying to explain to her mother that she "brokah" her "fingah" but when mommy can't stop laughing, mini-adorkable gets VERY upset. Also check out the sly looks to the camera. Someone knows she's being filmed! Saavy toddler, you!
Enjoy the how-isn't-this-a-viral-smash-yet video, below
Hat Tip: @xoxogg's Tumblr See full post
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Curious Case of the Front-Runner That Wasn't
This week, The Danifesto explains why Avatar is most likely shit out of luck come Best Picture time.
So without further ado, I give you, The Danifesto.

So is this the best week ever or what? Sunday night saw a populist Grammys reward such crowd-pleasing fare as Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Lady Gaga, Lost returns tonight (and, if you’re an East Coaster, it’s already returned), the Super Bowl is on Sunday and, of course, The Blind Side was nominated for Best Picture today.
Kidding – sorta. Greetings from Los Angeles, where nominations for the 82nd Annual Academy Awards were announced this morning. And, my oh my, do we have lots to talk about! The rest, after the jump.with perfect diction by Anne Hathaway
Oscar history is my area of expertise, so that’s what I’ll focus on in this post. But first, let’s review some basic facts, starting with the major Best Picture nominees: Avatar and The Hurt Locker lead the way with nine nominations apiece, followed by Inglourious Basterds with eight and Up in the Air and Precious with six. Kathryn Bigelow is the fourth woman ever nominated for Best Director, while Lee Daniels is the second African-American. Precious is the first movie directed by an African-American to ever be nominated for Best Picture (you read that right). Up is the second animated, and first computer-animated, film to be nominated for Best Picture. And the marvelous Meryl Streep continues to break her own record with her sweet 16th acting nomination (and 13th for Best Actress, another record).
Oh, and District 9 rocks. Yay!
But let’s get down to business. Much of the coverage over today’s nominations has focused, regrettably, on some kind of magical horse race between The Hurt Locker and Avatar simply because they tied for the most nominations (nine, to refresh your memory). This is ill-advised and misleading. While it might sound kinda silly to say Avatar “only” got nine nominations… well, Avatar only got nine nominations – and nothing in a major category outside of Picture and Director. This is a big deal. There was some buzz that its Screenplay or Zoe Saldana would be nominated, but that didn’t materialize. This is in contrast to The Hurt Locker, which saw its Screenplay get nominated, along with its lead actor in Jeremy Renner, who joins a pretty impressive field of titans in his category.
Why is this important? Well, Avatar is the biggest movie of all time, and its buzz lately has been bordering on stratospheric. It’s made titanic sums (pun intended) at the domestic box office, and the best it could do was tie for the lead in nominations with a small film that has made, like, $12 million at the domestic box office. Unfortunately for all you Pandoraphiles out there (and I’m one of you), this has doom written all over it. Cameron’s latest film, Titanic, was at least able to muscle its way into the Actress and Supporting Actress categories. Avatar couldn’t crack anything major outside of two slots for which it was preordained – to say nothing of the fact that it’s also been passed over for everything but the Benjamin Button Golden Globe. I’d say that its chances at winning Best Picture were practically put on life support today by its relatively poor performance.Meaningless Piece of Eye Candy Award
But, wait a second, you say! It still got nine nominations! And who cares if it didn’t get nods in any other “major” categories? Well, let’s take a look at history. It is extremely rare for a film to win Best Picture without being nominated for something big outside of Picture and Director (Actor, Actress, Screenplay/Story*, we’re looking at you). Oh, sure, it’s happened – but not for 77 years. That’s right, you have to go all the way back to Grand Hotel in 1931/32 to find a film that won Best Picture without also being nominated for Actor, Actress or Screenplay/Story* (Grand Hotel’s win for Picture was actually its only win of the night).
Now, there have been some weird Best Picture winners in years past. Driving Miss Daisy’s big win in 1989 – in which it wasn’t even nominated for Best Director, prompting Oscar host Billy Crystal to christen it “The Film That Directed Itself” – comes to mind. Braveheart won five Oscars, including Best Picture, in 1995 and its only other “major” nomination outside of Picture or Director was for Screenplay – somewhat odd for a movie with the star power of Mel Gibson. Gigi, which as a freakin’ musical should have been all about the performances, went 9-for-9 in 1958 with no acting nominations (though it did nab a Screenplay Oscar). But this, as you can tell, is not a long list. And Avatar now finds itself looking to join an even shorter list – one that hasn’t added a member since the Herbert Hoover administration. The only other film besides Grand Hotel to win Best Picture without a nomination for Actor, Actress or Screenplay/Story* was Wings, the very first – and only silent – Best Picture winner, in 1927/28.
Now, the one caveat here is that there has never been a movie quite like Avatar before. When you’re dealing with 10-foot tall blue humanoids re-enacting the story of Pocahontas on a 3D jungle planet, can you really compare it to anything else in history, let alone a Clara Bow or Greta Garbo from 500 years ago? Well, maybe not. But I’m willing to bet that Avatar’s dubious place in Oscar history, coupled with what some in this town might call “Cameron fatigue” (or just plain bitterness and/or jealousy), is going to kill its Best Picture hopes on Oscar night. It may not look like it if you’re simply taking a numerical tally of the nominees, but as of this moment The Hurt Locker is the solid favorite to trump Goliath and take home the big prize next month. And if you’re looking for a dark horse to beat out The Little Iraq War Movie That Could, I’d suggest looking to Inglourious Basterds. But I’ll leave that for Muse to crow about.Fern Gully
*The Greatest Show on Earth won Best Picture in 1952 without being nominated for Actor, Actress or Screenplay – but it was nominated for (and won) the Story Oscar, a prize that has since been discontinued. For the purposes of this post, we are categorizes it in with the other screenwriting awards, since you can’t have a screenplay without a story.

Before I had the Cartoon channel and the Disney channel and a hundred other channels on cable, for some reason the Fox station where I lived in Florida played a bunch of Disney cartoons, Aladdin, Timon & Pumba, and the ultimate: GARGOYLES. I was obsessed with this show. It was so smart and intense, way more interesting than say Power Rangers. (I hated that show because the girls were stuck being pink and yellow while the boys got the best colors. SEXISM!!) This year, Santa put the Season 1 and first half of Season 2 DVDs in my stocking. (Someone get on Disney to release the second half of Season 2 already!) Re-watching this show, I have not been disappointed.
Although I do find the number of mullets hilarious - almost every bad guy and three of the gargoyles themselves sport one - it actually holds up really well. The premise is kind of insane, a bunch of gargoyles are imprisoned in stone until their castle floats above the clouds so an evil version of Bruce Wayne sticks the castle on top of his skyscraper in New York City. Drama ensues! But as ridiculous as the premise sounds, the show was smart, dark, and super intense.
I mean, THIS happens in the first episode (go to minute 4:30):
The 90’s had its drawbacks, for one DVR’s hadn’t been invented yet, but at least every other television show for kids wasn’t about being famous or being popular. There were cartoons that referenced myths, legends, and Shakespeare. In Batman: The Animated Series, Batman went to some very dark, scary places. Does anyone else remember the Clayface episode with the rain at the end? I’d never been more upset watching a cartoon. X-Men: The Animated Series was the only reason to wake up early on a Saturday. And there was Gargoyles, an awesome story told well week to week, populated with crazy complicated bad guys and the good guys that didn’t always do the right thing.
If you haven’t seen this show, or haven’t seen it in fifteen years like me, someone has downloaded almost the entire series in eight minute chunks on youtube. Be careful though, as there are hundreds of tributes to the show’s star-crossed lovers, Elisa and Goliath, and all of them are scored with cringe inducing love songs.
See full post
Monday, February 1, 2010
First Annual Fangirl Award Nominations

Ballots to pick the winners will go out this week & the results will be announced March 4th!
* - Editor's Choice - Certain categories have extra nomination. These additions represent something one of the editors at ATFG feels passionately about that we want to encourage you to check out! Often, the editor's choice was in 6th place for the nomination.
Best Picture
(500) Days of Summer
District 9
Fantastic Mr Fox
The Hurt Locker
Inglorious Basterds
Star Trek
Up in the Air
Honorable Mentions: The Hangover, Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince, Watchmen, Sherlock Holmes
Best Actor
Colin Firth - A Single Man
George Clooney - Up in the Air
Jeff Bridges - Crazy Heart
Robert Downey Jr - Sherlock Holmes
Sharlto Copley - District 9
Sam Rockwell - Moon*
Honorable Mentions: Jeremy Renner, Joseph Gorden Levitt, Michael Stulbarg, Matt Damon, Chris Pine
Best Actress
Carey Mulligan - An Education
Gabourey Sidibie - Precious
Meryl Streep - Julie & Julia
Sandra Bullock - The Blind Side
Zoe Saldana - Avatar
Honorable Mentions: Emily Blunt, Zooey Deschanel, Ellen Page
Best Supporting Actor
Christolph Waltz - Inglorious Basterds [EC: This man is in the wrong category.]
Brad Pitt - Inglorious Basterds
Stanley Tucci - Julie & Julia
Woody Harrelson - The Messenger
Zachary Quinto - Star Trek
Honorable Mentions: Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Jude Law, Zach Galifianakis, Jackie Earle Haley, Anthony Mackie
Best Supporting Actress
Anna Kendrick - Up in the Air
Diane Kruger - Inglorious Basterds
Melanie Laurent - Inglorious Basterds
Mo'Nique - Precious
Vera Farmiga - Up in the Air
Honorable Mentions: Sigourney Weaver, Julianne Moore, Penelope Cruz
Best Director
Kathryn Bigelow - The Hurt Locker
Jim Cameron - Avatar
Quentin Tarantino - Inglorious Basterds
Neill Blomkamp - District 9
JJ Abrams - Star Trek
Honorable Mentions: Jason Reitman, Duncan Jones, Zach Snyder, Pete Docter, Coen Brothers, Spike Jonze
The rest after the jump!
Best Adapted Screenplay
District 9 - Neill Blomkamp & Terri Tatchell
Fantastic Mr Fox - Wes Anderson & Noah Baumbach
Watchmen - David Hayer & Alex Tse
Where The Wild Things Are - Spike Jonze & Dave Eggers
Up In the Air - Jason Reitman & Sheldon Turner
Honorable Mentions: Coraline, Harry Potter: HBP, Precious, An Education, A Single Man
Best Original Screenplay
(500) Days of Summer - Scott Neustadter & Michael H. Weber
The Hurt Locker - Mark Boal
Inglorious Basterds - Quentin Tarantino
Moon - Duncan Jones & Nathan Parker
Up - Pete Docter, Bob Peterson & Thomas McCarthy
Honorable Mentions: A Serious Man, Zombieland
Best Score
Avatar - James Horner
Star Trek - Michael Giacchino
Sherlock Holmes - Hans Zimmer
Up - Michael Giacchino
Where The Wild Things Are - Karen O & Carter Burwell
Fantastic Mr Fox - Alexandre Desplat*
World I Most Want To Visit
Hogwarts - Harry Potter: HBP
Pandora - Avatar
Paradise Falls - Up
The USS Enterprise - Star Trek
Where the Wild Things are - Where the Wild Things Are (Which I personally find terrifying...)
Honorable Mentions: Guy Ritchie's Victorian England (Sherlock Holmes), Tom's Dance Number - (500) Days of Summer
Best On Screen Animal
Ash Fox - Fantastic Mr Fox
Cat from Coraline
Dug - Up
Kevin - Up
Mr Fox - Fantastic Mr Fox
Honorable Mentions: Turok - Avatar, The Tiger - The Hangover, Raymond - Princess & The Frog
Best Chemistry - Romantic - Film
George Clooney & Vera Farmiga as Ryan & Alex - Up in the Air
Joseph Gordon Levitt & Zooey Deschanel as Tom & Summer - (500) Days of Summer
Zach Quinto & Zoe Saldana as Spock & Uhura - Star Trek
Sam Worthington & Zoe Saldana as Hot Blue Cat People - Avatar
Colin Firth & Matthew Goode - A Single Man
Meryl Streep & Stanley Tucci as Paul & Julia Child - Julia & Julia
Zac Efron & Leslie Mann - 17 Again
Sandra Bullock & Ryan Reynolds as Margaret & Andrew - The Proposal
Emily Blunt & Rupert Friend as Victoria & Albert - The Young Victoria
Alec Baldwin & Meryl Streep as Jane & Jake - It's Complicated
Best Chemistry - Platonic - Film
The Boys from The Hangover
Megan Fox & Amanda Seyfried as Jennifer & Needy - Jennifer's Body
Paul Rudd & Jason Segal as Peter & Sydney - I Love You Man
The Basterds - Inglorious Basterds
Sam Rockwell & Kevin Spacey as Sam & Gerty - Moon
Jude Law & Robert Downey Jr as Holmes & Watson - Sherlock Holmes
Zachary Quinto & Chris Pine as Spock & Kirk - Star Trek
Chris Pine & Simon Pegg as Scotty & Kirk - Star Trek
Ellen Page & Alia Shakat - Whip it
Jessie Eisenberg & Woody Harrelson - Zombieland
Donald Glover, DC Pierson & Dominic Dierkes as The Mystery Team - Mystery Team
Voiceover Performance
Dakotah Fanning - Coraline - Coraline
George Clooney - Mr Fox - Fantastic Mr Fox
Ed Asner - Carl - Up
James Gandolfini - Carol - Where the Wild Things Are
Jason Schwartzman - Ash - Fantastic Mr Fox
Kevin Spacey - Gerty - Moon*
Keith David - Coraline AND The Princess and the Frog*
Honorable Mentions: Jordan Nagai (Up), Teri Hatcher (Coraline), Meryl Streep (Fantastic Mr Fox)
Epic Fail Movie - Genre
Dragonball: Evolution
GI Joe
New Moon
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Epic Fail Movie - Non-Genre
Bride Wars
He's Just Not That Into You
The Ugly Truth
Year One
Best Characterization of an Established Figure
Captain Kirk - Star Trek
Hitler - Inglorious Basterds
Rorschach - Watchmen
Spock - Star Trek
Sherlock Holmes - Sherlock Holmes
Honorable Mentions: Julia Child, Nelson Mandela, Bones McCoy, Max (WTWTA)
Best Fight/Battle Sequence
Avatar Final Battle
D9 Final Battle
Inglorious Basterds Final Sequence
Star Trek Orbital Sky Dive Sequence
Zombieland Carnival
Drag Me To Hell Car Scene*
Honorable Mentions: Sherlock Holmes London Bridge(wherein the hero monologues as the villain dangles from a bridge. Epic win.)
Guiltiest Pleasure - Film
17 Again
He's Just Not That Into You
GI Joe
Jennifer's Body
New Moon
Best Animated Film
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Fantastic Mr Fox
The Princess & The Frog
Best TV Show - Drama
Battlestar Galactica
Mad Men
True Blood
Honorable Mentions: Fringe, Dollhouse, Chuck
Best TV Show - Comedy
Modern Family
30 Rock
How I Met Your Mother
Honorable Mentions: The Big Bang Theory, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Best Actor - Drama TV
Edward James Olmos - Battlestar Galactica
Enver Gjokaj - Dollhouse
Jon Hamm - Mad Men
Michael C Hall - Dexter
Michael Emerson - Lost
Jim Bevaer - Supernatural*
Honorable Mentions: Nathan Fillion, David Tennant, Hugh Laurie, Terry O Quinn, Zachary Levi, John Noble, James Callis
Best Actor - Comedy TV
Alec Baldwin - 30 Rock
Jeremy Piven - Entourage
Jim Parsons - The Big Bang Theory
Neil Patrick Harris - How I Met Your Mother
Steve Carell - The Office
Best Actress - Drama TV
Christina Hendricks - Mad Men
Katee Sackhoff - Battlestar Galactica
Mary McDonnell - Battlestar Galactica
Olivia Williams - Dollhouse
Toni Collette - The United States of Tara
Honorable Mentions: Anna Torv, Dichen Lachman, Anna Paquin, Emily Deschanel
Best Actress - Comedy TV
Alyson Hannigan - How I Met Your Mother
Jane Lynch - Glee
Lea Michele - Glee
Mary Louise Parker - Weeds
Tina Fey - 30 Rock
Best Chemistry - Romantic TV
Bill/Sookie - True Blood
Chuck/Blair - Gossip Girl
Chuck/Sara - Chuck
Eric/Sookie - True Blood
Lee/Kara - BSG
Marshall/Lily - How I Met Your Mother
Pam/Jim - The Office
Sawyer/Juliet - Lost
Sawyer/Kate - Lost
Victor/Sierra - Dollhouse
Best Chemistry - Platonic TV
Abed/Troy - Community
Adama/Tigh - BSG
Adele/Topher - Dollhouse
Jack Donaghy/Liz Lemon - 30 Rock
JD/Turk - Scrubs
Neal/Peter - White Collar
Peter/Olivia - Fringe
Shawn/Gus - Psych
Ted/Marshall/Barney - How I Met Your Mother
Sam/Dean - Supernatural*
Honorable Mention: Penny/Sheldon (Big Bang Theory), Chuck/Morgan (Chuck)
Best Chemistry - A romantic kind of platonic
Becket/Castle - Castle
Bones/Booth - Bones
House/Wilson - House
Stabler/Benson - SVU
Will/Emma - Glee
Guiltiest Pleasure - TV
The Bachelor
Gossip Girl
Jersey Shore
Vampire Diaries
Actor I Most Want To Marry 2009
Alexander Skarsgard
Bradley Cooper
David Tennant
George Clooney
James McAvoy
Joseph Gordon Levitt
Nathan Fillion
Robert Downey Jr
Ryan Reynolds
Sam Worthington
Honorable Mentions: Chris Pine, Michael Fassbender, Ryan Gosling
Most Overrated
Megan Fox
Mo'Nique in Precious
Twilight - New Moon
Up in the Air
Honorable Mentions: Paranormal Activity, Glee, The Hangover
Most Underrated
17 Again
Chris Bauer in True Blood
Drag Me To Hell
Sam Rockwell in Moon
The Informant!*
Honorable Mentions: Where the Wild Things Are, Greek, Vampire Diaries, Supernatural,
Best Graphic Novel
Asterios Polyp
Final Crisis
Scott Pilgrim V5
Wonderful World of Oz
Best Comic Series
Buffy Season 8
The Walking Dead
Honorable Mentions: Chew, DMZ
Best Video Game
Assassin's Creed 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Dragon Age: Origins
Left for Dead 2
Modern Warfare 2
Uncharted 2*
Honorable Mentions: Beatles Rock Band, Sims 3, Super Mario Brothers Wii, Borderlands
Best Villain
Ben Linus - Lost
Cl. Quaritch - Avatar
Hans Landa - Inglorious Basterds
Maryann Forrester - True Blood
Nero - Star Trek
Norman Osborne - Marvel Universe
Other Mother - Coraline
Sue Sylvester - Glee
Sylvia Ganush - Drag Me To Hell
Trinity Killer - Dexter
Honorable Mentions: Bellatrix Lestrange, Ozymandias, Jennifer, Lord Blackwood, Sylar
Best Musician/Band
Karen O/Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Lady Gaga
Taylor Swift
Honorable Mentions: Beyonce, Animal Collective, Florence & The Machine
Best Book
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith
Under The Dome by Stephen King
Most Romantic Line EVAR 2009
Time Traveler's Wife - "I wouldn't change one second of our life together."
Avatar - "I see you."
(500) Days of Summer - Tom: [about Summer] "I love how she makes me feel, like anything's possible, or like life is worth it."
Up - Ellie: [her last message to Carl] "Thanks for the adventure. Now go have one of your own."
Battlestar Galactica - Admiral Adama: [his final words to Laura Roslin] "I laid out the cabin today, it's going to have an easterly view. You should see the light that we get here. When the sun comes from behind those mountains... it's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
The Office - Jim: [about Pam] “The boat was plan C. The church was plan B. Plan A was marrying her a long, long time ago. Pretty much the day I met her.”
Julie & Julia - Paul: [to Julia] "You are the butter to my bread, the breath in my life"
Star Trek - Uhura: [to Spock] "I'll be monitoring your frequency"
Inglorious Basterds - Shosanna Dreyfus: [her image on the screen smiles] "Marcel... burn it down." Marcel: [standing behind the screen, he smiles] "Oui, Shosanna."
The Young Victoria - Albert: [to Victoria] "You're the only wife I've got or ever will have. You are my whole existence, and I will love you until my very last breath."
Best Fan Outreach
True Blood In World Merchandise (Orange True Blood drink, Merlottes/Fangtasia glasses, etc)
Avatar Imax Day
Jeffster performing on Chuck panel during Comic Con
Joss Whedon letters in exclusive Comic Con Dollhouse DVD/Blu-Ray
Lost's Damon, Carlton & A Polar Bear
District 9 "For Humans Only" signs
Real Actors on Twitter
Casting Battlestar actors in other series (24, Dollhouse, Human Target, Californication, Supernatural, etc)
The introduction of 3D to Comic-Con's Hall H
Tron's Flynn's Arcade at Comic Con
See full post