Tuesday Night - Top 12 Girls - Live Tweeting
Just started watching Idol - Paige did that having to pee?! I can't do anything when I have to pee, let alone sing in front of millions.
Janell. WRONG SONG. What's wrong with you?! I lurved you!! Damnit. You are folky, NOT Heart. Poop.
We've decided Lilly Scott is going for "cool" and succeeding
LOVE Katelyn Epperly!!! Singing Oh Darling! and ROCKING that shit. Whatever, that was awesome.
Haeley Vaughn doing some very interesting things. I like her! New take on I Wanna Hold Your Hand too. Across The Universe meets...wacky?
Simon, you're wrong about Haeley. Wrong wrong wrong.
Re: Lacey Brown, from @thedanifesto - (with a british accent) "A young Sharon Obsourne."
Boring performance. Sorry, Lacey Brown.
Bye bye Michelle.
I love Didi Benami love love love love Didi love love love.
If Didi Benami sang anything else they would have been like "You chose too big of a song." HELLO she picked the right song and sounded great.
Siobhan is doing a great job so far at least. It's hard to sing this song and she's nailing it! Don't know about "star quality" though.
Bow-er-sox! Bow-er-sox! Love her.
Bowersox is so 90s and I love it
Bye: Lacey, Michelle and possibly Ashley or Janell even though I like them both
Wednesday Night - Top 12 Boys - Live Tweeting
Todrick Hall with a new take on Since You Been Gone....I'm into it. Certainly original and the kid can sing!
Is it IMPOSSIBLE to please the judges?! They annoy me a lot sometimes.
Personally, I think Todrick did something very cool just now, coming out of the gate with something very original right off the bat
Aaron Kelly = David Archeleta 2.0
Schmaltzy, old timer song = Muse zzzzzzes out. Sing something younger, Aaron Kelly!
Hmm. Liking his pipes though. Good pipes. He and Katy from last night could just join Glee and be done with it.
Hey Simon & Aaron - "Angels" is a Robbie Williams song. Aaron sang "Angel" by Sarah McLaghlin during Hollywood Week.
Jermaine Sellers. Boring. Let's see if this gets better.
Screechy Tattooed off pitch McGee. Not into Jermaine Sellers. Great name though.
Tim Urban is this season's hottie mc-cuterstein. Look at Janell all flirting up a storm with him.
Tim Urban rocking the stage with a wholly awkward performance. Falsetto was a bad choice.
Joe Munoz with an odd take on You and I Both. Not sure how I feel about this. Can certainly out-sing the more commercial Tim Urban.
Ooh! Liking the Tyler Grady so far. He's weird.
High note not so hot, Grady.
I agree with Simon. Tyler's too Poser-y right now. A little creepy. Change it up, dude.
He handled the criticism nicely. Probably will stick around til next week.
Lee has that "Hot tooly douchebag" thing going for him. Or against him. Haven't decided yet. Chasing Cars a little on the nose. Went off key a lot. Yikes.
John Park's performance is confusing me. For a second I thought he was singing in another language. Damn. He's better than this!
Second half of John Park's performance = MUCH better than the first
Guitar is totally superfluous, but I'm liking Michael Lynche's voice & energy. No clear identity as an artist yet, though.
What the...what??! Alex Lambert (who looks like Spinelli from General Hospital) is sooooo going home.
Favorite "tone"? The only "tone" I heard was "kill me now."
Kara is shameless, this is amazing.
Andrew Garcia, love your voice, do better with your song choice next week.
My favorites:
Girls: Lilly, Siobhan, Katelyn, Bow-er-sox (for the potential)
Boys: Casey, Andrew, Todrick (for the potential)
My least favorites:
Girls: Lacey, Michelle, Ashley & Janell. Predicting Lacey, Michelle & either Ashley or Paige to go home tomorrow. The judge's praise of Janell will most likely keep her safe for now.
Boys: Some combination of Jermaine, Alex, Joe, Tyler & Tim, though I could see Alex & Tim getting by on cute factor alone, leaving Jermaine, Joe & possibly John as the unlucky 3 to go home. My personal bottom three? Alex, Tim & Jermaine.
Watch the girls
Watch the boys
Update: We said goodbye to Janell, Ashley, Joe & Tyler. Should have been/going home next week? Michelle, Lacey, Alex & Tim. Unless someone does something amazing.
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