Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hall H, Shmall H

My friends and I are up at an ungodly hour (I can't even call it morning yet) to get in line for Ballroom 20's Sunday events. When we woke up, another friend texted us saying she'd been in line at 1:30...and there was already a line. I thought we were crazy for getting in line this early, but damn. Damn, girls!

Anyway, after hearing this news, I've decided there's no way I'll be leaving any good seat I get for B20, so I'll be parking my butt there. Unfortunately I won't be attending the Women of Marvel panel like I'd hope to, but seeing the It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia guys will make my morning.

Well, and all the pretty, pretty men, too.

Stay tuned to my twitter for live tweeting from all the Ballroom 20 events today! (If I'm still conscious through them all, that is.)