Monday, June 29, 2009

Did You &#*$@ This Bread?!

I tweeted the trailer for this movie that I cannot but assume will be EPIC amounts of win a few weeks back, and then @melloniel and I quoted it at each other for a while because it's freaking hilarious.

Happily, I have a friend who is involved with the movie in various capacities, and she has confirmed for me that the Sundance hit will be screening at 8pm, Thursday, July 23rd at Horton Plaza.


They're gonna have a booth on the floor and will be giving passes away to the screening on Wed & Thurs before 7pm.

Expect to see ATFG attending in full force!! Probably full of a little drunk...cause it's Comic Con...and Mystery Team is a comedy...tikitikitikitiki baaaar...

Aah, and once again, I ask thee- Did you @#!&* this bread?!