Hopefully most of you have seen Coraline by now and if you haven't, you are planning on it in the near future. The staff of All Things Fangirl & friends went to go see it at the Ziegfeld earlier this week (in 3D, natch) and it was glorious. To celebrate Henry Selick & Neil Gaimen being awesome and the fact that david just bought 3 Coraline dolls, is gonna be Coraline for Halloween and is naming his daughter Coraline, I thought we'd have a fun giveaway.
We'll be giving away ten Coraline packages filled with one Coraline T Shirt in either M, L or XL, two sets of Coraline pins, a pack of Coraline alphabet cards & a Coraline activity book. The grand prize winner will receive those items as well as a Coraline soundtrack.
To enter, answer the following question in the comment section! Then please email allthingsfangirl@gmail.com, telling us the handle you posted under. We will then email the winners next week to let you know if you've won!
1. What upcoming genre film are you most looking forward to?
Thanks readers! We've been having a crazy week over here, but will be returning soon with more fun posts. If you haven't yet checked out our New York Comic Con coverage, be sure to scroll down and enjoy!
I am definitely looking forward to Watchmen. I am also totally onboard for Star Trek, but Watchmen wins because it's the closest at this point. I am Not looking forward to Push. I saw some of it in December and I was not impressed.
I also saw Coraline in 3D and was amazed! I didn't think it needed the addition of Wybie, but whatever, the animation of the movie and the way it was filmed wee outstanding!
Yeah, someone told me Wybie wasn't in the book and I was like whaaaaa?!?! But then I realized he was kind of unnecessary if you really thought about it, haha, and it all made sense.
Aaaaand I suspect some Coraline stuff is coming your way haha. Just email loqauaciousmuse@allthingsfangirl.com with your mailing address!
I am really looking forward to "Up" actually. Also definitely looking forward to Harry Potter this summer.
Side note, Coraline was great. I loved it so much I had to see it twice before it gets kicked out of the 3D theater. Darn Jonas Bros. movie: I hate theee!
I'm most looking forward to the Fantastic Mr. Fox, if that counts as genre? Anyhoo, thanks for the contest!
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