Note: The formatting in this post is beyond fucked and I have no idea why. Let's just pretend a 12 year old made it and we'll all feel better about each other.
Los Angeles:
USS Pinafore: Star Trek meets HMS Pinafore - currently has a deal on Goldstar and actually has gotten pretty good reviews, with a rating of 100% from the LA Theater equivalent to Rotten Tomatoes, Bitter Lemons. Official info below.
an outer space musical
Adapted by Jon Mullich
from "HMS Pinafore" and other
Gilbert & Sullivan works
Musical Direction by William A. Reilly
Presented by Crown City Theatre Company
takes Gilbert and Sullivan farther
than they've ever gone before...
to outer space!
The nineteenth century ironsides of the title has been fitted with anti-gravitation gear and lasers set to kill!
It takes to the air in a brand-new version that is guaranteed to blast you out of earth's atmosphere and send you to a solar system filled with laughter and delight.
The trivial antics of G&S's veddy British lords and ladies
seem far less trivial when they're fighting for their lives
against alien lizard men!
(okay... possibly slightly more trivial, but twice the fun!)
Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm
and Sundays at 3pm
Thru August 22nd, 2010
LOCATION: Crown City Theater in NOHO
11031 Camarillo Street, North Hollywood, CA 91602
PRICES: $25 General Admission
Students and Seniors $15
FOR TICKETS CALL: 1-800-838-3006 or click here
Mary Lynn Spreads Her Legs - Tickets here - Runs through the end of October. Also has a deal on Goldstar!

Mary Lynn Rajskub, best known for her television work as fan favorite Chloe O' Brian on the Fox hit 24, is ready to take to the stage in her one woman comedy performance - Mary Lynn Spreads Her Legs.
New York
Mary Lynn's private life serves as the inspiration for her new show, which explores what happens when Mary Lynn discovers she is pregnant and subsequently becomes a mother. Written and Performed by Mary Lynn Rajskub, Directed and Developed by Amit Itelman. PERFORMANCES ARE EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 8PM! $20.
Ghost of Dracula - The bastard child of "Dracula" and "The Breakfast Club," with a lot more blood, and music. Runtime: 1 hour.
Buy your discounted tickets here for only $15: They will be $18 at the door, so get them now.
A play by Kenneth Molloy that's been called "A coke-fueled bloody stabfest," and "The Dark Knight of vampire plays." It's got blood that rains from the sky, wolves that howl in the night, and Powerpoint presentations that slightly malfunction. It's more kick ass than any other play inspired by The Breakfast Club.
There's sex, rocket propelled grenades, and piss made of holy water. There's also a ghost vampire, or vampire ghost. Interchangeable terms? I don't know.
Opens Friday the 13th at The Connelly Theater. Located at 220 E. 4th St. Buy your tickets in advance online and save some American dollars to spend on other fun things, like drinking with us after the show:
Friday August 13th @ 7:30PM
Saturday August 14th @ 5:15PM
Wednesday August 18th @ 10:45PM
Tuesday August 24th @ 8:30PM
Sunday August 29th @ 2:00PM
Getting Even With Shakespeare - Yes, Shakespeare mash-ups count as Geek Theater. Have you READ Kill Shakespeare? This is like that.
Jurassic Parq: The Musical is Jurassic Park told from the perspective of the dinosaurs. No, I'm not kidding. After reading the synopsis below, I'm even more confused. But whatever, I'll see it. Cocktail party!
Boldly re-imagined and retold from the perspective of the dinosaurs, Jurassic Parq is an unflinching meditation on gender, sexual, and racial identity in an evolving landscape destined to stun you with its importance. And you should probably see it drunk.
If you buy a ticket for opening night, we will transport everyone in the audience, via time machine, to the Jurassic Era to have a cocktail party with the real dinosaurs on which the characters in the play are based.
THAT'S RIGHT! Destiny has gifted us this technology so that we may have the greatest opening night party. Ever.
So buy your tickets now at:
Hahaha, no way, U.S.S. Pinafore?! So funny.
I love Gilbert and Sullivan. In Mass Effect 2 when one of the characters sings a parody of the Major-General's Song, it was the best game moment ever. Seriously. Best. Game moment. Ever.
I'm beginning to wonder if Jurassic parq actually DOES have anything to do with jurassic park at all...
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