Of course I have plans on this Friday night, the only night that Mondo is in town and holding an event at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles. On Melrose, in fact, right next to Golden Apple! Double whammy of awesomeness.

Here's the official write up,
Friday, November 20th at Gallery 1988, Mondo will be setting up shop for the night with lots of our friends providing live art. Skinner will be on hand watercoloring a limited edition Medusa art print we printed special for this show. Kevin Tong will have a new art print for sale (just got that image in and it looks incredible) and Harry Diaz will be screen printing shirts and prints by hand live in the store!
Not only will all of these guys be hanging out, but Mondo will also have shirts, toys, and some exclusive and never before seen posters that we printed especially for this show.
Here's one of the exclusive posters that will be shown tonight, from one of my all time favorite movies!

I'm so upset I can't go, augh. If you live in the LA area and are awesome, head over to Gallery 1988 tonight & have an amazing time.
Hat Tip: Slashfilm
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