Sunday, August 9, 2009

How to watch GI Joe

Got a text in my sleep from someone who I love very much who told me that he saw GI Joe and it made Transformers 2 look like The Godfather.


There is a whole post I need to write about the levels of "Awesome" a movie can be, ranging from legit amazing (Up is probably the only movie this year that has reached that so far) down to the kind of awesome/amazing that movies like Knowing and GI Joe are. Because as much as I loved GI Joe, I do not want you readers thinking I'm telling you GI Joe's level of quality matches something like Star Trek. Cause obviously it doesn't. And I fear that this text sender went into the movie thinking by "Amazing" I meant "Actual quality film" instead of "silly fun summer action DENNIS QUAID SAYS KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE movie with ninjas"

Which brings me to this quick word of advice. When I saw GI Joe, my friend and I sat down, looked at each other, said "this movie is going to be terrible", cracked open some beers, and it began. Right off the bat, we were like WHY ARE THEY IN OLDEN TIMES?! THIS IS AWESOME! And that pretty much sums up how the film went. Go see GI Joe to see some cool action and to laugh and to have an overall great time. Don't go in expecting The Dark Knight, people. Come on.


Teddy Diefenbach said...

Knowing is SO bad. If GI Joe makes Transformers 2 look like The Godfather, then Knowing makes GI Joe look like The Empire Strikes Back.

EruditeChick said...

But Knowing was AWESOMELY bad, like Wicker Man was AWESOMELY bad. Of course they're bad, but they're so bad they're like PURE AWESOME.

LoquaciousMuse said...


Teddy Diefenbach said...

Knowing is not Awesomely anything. Ugh. It's like 2 hours of my life fell into a vortex, never to return.

Big Crumb said...

Knowing was not that bad. TF2 was fyukking horrible. G.I. Joe was oso much fun despite itself. Wicker Man i would not dare to deal with without Rifftrax commentary.

Teddy Diefenbach said...

Me watching Knowing:
"Alright, here goes nothin. I wonder if this will be better or worse than Next...
"That little girl is creepy. Is this going to turn into a thriller?...
"What's with that guy in the woods...and the IS turning into a thriller...
"Oh, it has a stronger Christian agenda than The Passion of the Christ. Where'd that come from? Surprises all around. I'm tired."

Karen said...

So true. GI Joe is no Dark Knight.